Melinda Gates: Let’s Put Birth Control Back on the Agenda

ImageLast week, Melinda Gates gave an informative and inspiring TEDxChange talk in Berlin. Her topic was contraception. The video is now ready for viewing at Her argument is simple:

1. Birth control is an uncontroversial idea (practiced by a billion people) that has unfortunately become controversial.

2. As a result, hundreds of millions of the poorest families in developing countries don’t have access to contraceptives that can change their lives — and their children’s lives.

3. If we all start talking about how transformative birth control can be — and how important it has been in our own lives — we can help poor women and men empower themselves and spur large-scale economic development.

One Response to “Melinda Gates: Let’s Put Birth Control Back on the Agenda”

  1. Jasper Heath Says:

    If we all start talking about how transformative birth control can be — and how important it has been in our own lives — we can help poor women and men empower themselves and spur large-scale economic development????

    Yeah, let’s all talk about how abortion and birth control have now caused a massively graying and aging population in western civilization so that the marauding Muslims can finally convert the kafirs by the sword. Noticed that lately?

    Today’s total replacement rates are headed dangerously south, and population decline has turned into a birth dearth. The rates are below replacement in many countries: Singapore’s is 1.1; Japan and Poland’s 1.3; Germany, Austria, and Italy’s 1.4; Russia’s 1.6; France’s 2.08; the United States’ 1.9. The number of childless women has increased dramatically over the past forty years, while families with more than three children are increasingly rare.

    So, liberal “progress” is anything but. However, they always use that seemingly dignifying term to set them apart as being supremely “rational.” Satanic double speak, pure and simple.

    Perhaps Ms. Gates is emboldened by her magnificent wealth, but this nominal Catholic is diametrically opposed to historic Church teaching. With all her millions and millions, she could only manage a couple of kids. What, she couldn’t afford them? Pack of lies and “rational” chaos for a society which despises its children.

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