Archive for December 2nd, 2011

Wisdom from MLK Jr. for the Occupy Movement

December 2, 2011

From Steven Pinker’s “The Better Angels of Our Nature” (Viking, 2011), p. 479:

King immediately appreciated that Gandhi’s theory of non-violent resistance was not a moralistic affirmation of love, as nonviolence had been in the teachings of Jesus. Instead, it was a set of hardheaded tactics to prevail over an adversary by outwitting him rather than trying to annihilate him. A taboo on violence, King inferred, prevents a movement from being corrupted by thugs and firebrands who are drawn to adventure and mayhem. It preserves morale and focus among followers when the movement suffers early defeats. By removing any pretext for legitimate retaliation by the enemy, it stays on the positive side of the moral ledger in the eyes of third parties, while luring the enemy onto the negative side. For the same reason, it divides the enemy, paring away supporters who find it increasingly uncomfortable to identify themselves with one-sided violence. All the while it can press its agenda by making a nuisance of itself with sit-ins, strikes, and demonstrations. The tactic obviously won’t work with all enemies, but it can work with some.

GOP Presidential Candidates Ruining America’s Reputation, Says German Commentator

December 2, 2011

Marc Pitzke, writing for Der Spiegel Online, calls the current GOP presidential line-up “a club of liars, cheaters, adulterers, exaggerators, hypocrites and ignoramuses.” Read his sizzling commentary here.

Former Republican Senator John Danforth (Missouri) concurs, saying, “It’s embarrassing for me as a Republican to watch this stuff.”